Monday, January 23, 2012

Our 2 Year Old

{January 15, 2012}
-We took Aubree to the doctor for her 2 year wellness check a couple weeks ago.  Here are her stats:
29 lbs (80%)
35 inches long (80%)
19 inches head circumference (60%)
-She is so full of personality and attitude!
-She's been putting "lily" at the end of a lot of words- blankalily, libalily, I can't think of the other ones right now.
-We love to watch Tangled, Jake and the Pirates (Peter Pan, haha) and Beas...T. 
-If there is a word with a T at the end, she leaves the T off the end until she says the rest of the word, hence Beas...T.
-Her favorite toys and things to do right now are to color, play with stickers, play with her dolls and babies, loves stuffed animals, playing with her plastic animals, dress up and taking bubble baths.
-She hates clothes on her barbies and baby dolls.
-Her hair is getting out of control!  We really need to trim it!
-She loved her birthday!  She talked about cake and presents for days after.

She will always be our baby girl!  Love you Aubree!

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