Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's going on at the Wiest House...

Blogging is number billion on my list of things I want to do lately.. obviously with the lame posts and hardly any pictures!  But Spring is on it's way, I'm feeling really good, and we have been having fun playing outside and taking our little trips to St. George.  Like I've said before.. April is MY FAVORITE!  No more bare trees and yellow lawns!  Anyways, here's what we have been up to lately:

-Fun St. Patrick's Day party over Spring Break- my mom and sister Madison came up for a couple of days while my other sister was in Europe (whatever..).  We had a great time with them here!
-The next week I left Matt and went down to St. George for Ellie's bridal shower and Juli's birthday.  We are all so excited for our Ell Bell to get married in a couple weeks!  We also got to play with the Losee family now that Jen and the kids are back from Ohio for good- so happy!!  We had a blast!
-And we are off in 2 days to head back to STG for a wedding in a week! 
-Pregnancy is going really well so far.  I'm 18 weeks and feeling good!  We found out today what we are having... I'll do a separate post for that :) 
-Matt is at school all day and works at night which hasn't been as horrible as I thought but some days are better than others.  Basically my wonderful Zander neighbors hear the chaos at our house and come to my rescue sometimes.  Bless them.
-We have been enjoying the great weather and love playing outside and going to the park!

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