Sunday, July 17, 2011

All About Aubree

{18 Months Old}

-Wow this girl is FULL of personality and feisty-ness!
-Can the terrible 2's start early? 
-Even though she's a stinker at times, I feel like this has been a really easy stage of life..
maybe because I've learned to calm my nerves a little better! And I know how she communicates a little better now.
-She talks a lot-- she'll jibber jabber and then say a word we understand.
-New words are "wa wa" (water) "MeMe" (grandma Juli) "quack quack" "down" and "bubbas" (bubbles).
-She loves her bubble baths in my parent's kitchen sink.
-She wants to kiss anything that looks soft. Lately it's been the kitchen and bathroom rugs; disgusting but cute!
-We went on the new carousal (spelling?) that is in town with Ricky and Kelsey and loved it! Aubree wasn't digging it at first, but lightened up and had fun.

-She had her very first haircut from Aunt Jenny. She just trimmed the bottom but the curly mullet is gone! Of course I left my camera at home :(
-We've been taking her to nursery. I left her the last time we were at church and 10 mintues later she was brought to me sobbing. I took her back and stayed with her; she did better but was nervous I was going to leave her- so we'll just keep trying.
-We have loved having our cousins in town. We played in all of Juli's water toys a couple weeks ago and the kids had a ball.

You're testing our patience little one, but always make up for it with your cuteness! We love you Aubree!!

1 comment:

Garrett and Shelly and baby Julia said...

So fun Megs! She is such a beautiful little girl!!