Monday, November 21, 2011

All About Aubree

{22 Months}

-We feel that she changes so much every single day! 
-She got her 2 year old molars in.. the only hard thing about them was that she didn't
want to eat, but she was pretty good otherwise.  And they hurt too, poor thing.
-She always wants to go to the mall because they have a little play area for little kids.
She says "A mall, mama."  A girl after my own heart.
-She is starting to really like nursery. 
-She always wants to play with friends.
-She always talks about her Meme and Tami.  She loves her grandmas.
-She is obsessed with dancing.  We listen to the Tangled songs (and only the Tangled songs
to avoid a meltdown) and dance for a good hour!  I've taught her how to point her toes
and plie and twirl like a ballerina.  Cutest thing ever!
-We are trying to think of fun things to do when the weather is bad.  We have built forts, colored, done finger painting with pudding.. We will have to think of a lot more things to do!
-When the weather is nice, she loves to jump in the leaves that Dad worked so hard raking :)
-She hasn't ever attempted to climb out of her crib.  So we will see about putting her in a big girl bed once she's 2.
-We took her to the Monte Bean museum at BYU a few weeks ago.  It was actually really cool.  They had a ton of real stuffed animals and she loved it.. then got distracted by the stairs :)
-She is such a toddler now and such a blast!  We love the energy and spunk she brings into our family!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

what a cutie pie! You are such a good mama doing such fun things with your toddler! Miss you guys