-35 Weeks-
I can't believe I will have another baby in like 5 minutes... it's a little surreal! I am honestly so excited though. I know it will be insane and I will be sleep deprived and hormonal and everything in between, oh and have an Aubree Grace to take care of too, but having a new little baby in your home is an amazing feeling.
-I called it! I'm doing a non-stress test once a week. I know ultimately it's my decision whether I want to do these or not, but after a lot of thought, I'll just keep going. If they say 2 a week.. that's a whole other story. NO WAY.
-Basically, baby is doing great, just little things they want to make sure won't affect her.
-I have a feeling my doctor will induce me a week early with this one. To be honest, I would love that! My plan everything-to-death personality would much appreciate it, but I'll be fine either way.. maybe!
-I'm measuring right on track now and my fluid levels are good.
-Baby still moves all the time.
-37 Weeks-
I feel like I have been pregnant forever! I'm feeling pretty ready. I have everything I need, now it's just trying to maintain a clean house and get a few more projects out of the way. Here is what's new this week..
-Nights are really uncomfortable now. I wake up a couple times and feel like if I move at all I will have a baby! If you know me, you know my sleep is very precious to me so I'm a little bugged that I am not sleeping great knowing that I won't sleep great for the next however long!
-My feet are swelling a little but not too bad.
-I have a lot of braxton hicks contractions.
-Baby is really low.. so not fun on my hips and pelvis.
-The more I think about being induced a week early, the more I don't know how great of an idea it is. I'm going to talk to my doctor about even inducing me on my due date... Like I said before, I would love to know exactly when this baby is coming but after talking to some family members, we kind of wondered if Aubree would have been bigger and nursed better if she went to 40 weeks. I'm starting to think that it would be best to go all the way to my due date if everything is checking out ok.
-Overall, I feel ok for being extremely pregnant, but I won't tell you I'm comfortable. I'm pretty done actually :)
I keep putting off taking an actualy belly picture... There are pictures here and there on our blog of me and they are not cute. So I guess maybe taking an actual good picture (if there is such a thing as a good picture of a full term pregnant woman) might do me some justice.
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