Thursday, January 13, 2011

Look Who's 1

{January 15}

Aubree Grace Turns 1 this Saturday!
This little girl is our love and our life.
She is full of personality and has been since
the day she was born.
Here are a few things about Aubree at 1 Years Old.

-She LOVES food, can you tell?
-She loves her bottle too, but I don't think it will be hard to get her off of it. She's never been extremely dependant on it. Her parents have though.
-Her new favorite foods are eggs, PB sandwich, tortillas, green beans, any fruit and baby yogurt.
-She is ALL OVER the place now! She loves to crawl around and stand up on anything she can.
-I know when she's laughing in her crib that she is standing up; when I go in there to put her down she thinks it's a game and stands right back up.
-After the billionth time of playing this back and forth, I think she got the hint that cribs are for sleeping only.
-She is naughty.. Like "I'm really nervous she'll be the mean kid in nursery" naughty.
-She is into hitting and scratching; I grab her hands and say "No, Aubree!" and she cracks up. Oh boy. I have my work cut out for me.
-She loves her grandmas. Whenever My mom or Juli is around she wants to go straight to them.
-She also LOVES Matt. When he gets home she wants nothing to do with me.
-She's sensitive to sounds. She has been since the day she was born. She has a book that makes animal sounds when you push the buttons and she sat on it about a week ago and made the sounds go off. It scared her so bad she wants nothing to do with it now!
-She loves music. Sometimes the only way I can get her to eat is by singing to her, even at restaurants or other public places. That's saying how desperate I am for her to eat fast because I am not a singer by any means.
-She says "mama, dada, uh oh" and she whispers "wow." It's so cute :)
-She has her moments and tests my patience, but she is such a sweet little girl.

We love you SO much Aubree. You make us so happy, baby girl!!


rick.and.kels said...

those pictures are SO cute! :)

Jenny said...

she looks soooo much like Matt! I love it, I miss her so much! I can't wait to kiss those big chubby cheeks! We took lainey to the doctors yesterday and she weighs 21 lbs haha Aubree will be able to take down Lou when we come for the summer. Happy Birthday sweet Aubree Grace your Aunt Jenny loves you the mostest!!!!!