Friday, May 13, 2011

All About Aubree

{16 Months}

-She is a talker!! She tries so hard to tell us what she wants.
-New words/sentances she has been saying are "Oh det" or "Oh wan det"- I want that. She'll point to what she wants and say it.. such a big girl! I love it and am sad at the same time. She also says "Day do"- Thank you.
-Honestly she does not stop talking haha- she has the cutest little jibberish language.
-When she gets excited, she's been doing this really, really low chipmunk laugh-- it's so funny.
- She is officially off of bottles. It wasn't bad at all- she maybe cried the first night without one for 10 minutes.
-Her eating habits are so much better now. Teeting was usually the main cause of why she was so picky I think.. but then again who knows, right?
-She loves Matt's friends. They were over at our house the other night and Aubree was loving it. She even got some one-on-one time with Danny :)

-She still is obsessed with books. Her two favorites right now are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and "Princess Baby."
- She kisses her favorite pages of those 2 books.. so freakin cute!

-You officially can't go outside now without being in water.. So we go to the splash pad a lot. Matt and I took her to one in Ivins and she completely loved it. Matt had to circle the splash pad with her like 20 times. She just laughed and screamed at the water- I can't help saying it but she is so cute and FUNNY!

{"For the love, Dad!! Hurry UP!"}

Aubree is full of personality- it is so much fun to see her grow and learn new things each day.
She's got us wrapped around her little finger, that one.