Monday, July 30, 2012

Called to Serve...

There are 3 events in my life I know I won't ever forget-- the day Matt and I got married, when Aubree Grace was born, and when my brother told us he put his mission papers in!  It was THE BEST news!  Over the weekend my whole family came up to Orem to watch Tay open up his call and celebrate.  I hope he doesn't mind that I post this.. I haven't told him so I guess he won't mind haha.. but we are just so excited and proud of him that he kind of left me no choice :) 

Opening the letter...

Called to serve in...


We are all so happy and excited for him.  There are so many things I can say about Tay, but I will just say that he is going to be able to reach out to people that need the gospel in such a way that only he could do.  I have loved having him live near us up here.  We have gotten so close and have learned a lot about each other, which is so priceless to me and something I am so grateful for. 

Congrats Tay Tay!!!

{Please don't mind our little princess picking her nose.  Oh my child.}

St. George

Matt's friend, Dan Belmont got tickets for the Subway hike in Zion's and invited Matt to go.  We made a quick weekend trip down to St. George and had a great time!  Matt, his brothers Ricky and Mike, my brother and Dan and his wife hiked on Saturday.  I was so jealous I couldn't go- we've tried 3 times to get tickets and when someone actually does get tickets, I happen to be pregnant!  We still had fun swimming at my mom's and hanging out with my family while the boys were gone.

Later that night my best friend, Ashlye and her family came over to hang out.  Times like this make me sad that we don't live in St. George.. Kendyl and Aubree are exactly a week apart and I wish we were closer to let them play more!  I hope someday they are as good of friends as Ash and I are! 

We love our cousins!

We went and saw the new Batman movie, went to dinner, played a ton and slept a little and enjoyed being with our friends and families.  It was a quick trip but we had a blast!

More Summer Fun

We went to the little splash pad at the Riverwoods shops a few weeks ago and saw some of our friends from the ward there.  The kids loved running around in the "sprinkles."

It rained for a few days up here so we had to think of some fun things to do inside the house.  I found a gak recipe online so Aubree and I made some.  It was such a hit with Aubree- she loved it! 

Matt is such a trooper with all these girly things he has to live with!  Aubree was watching Cinderella and wanted to pretend she was at the ball dancing.  She went up to Matt and said, "Come on, Prince," and they had to dance together.  It was so cute! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

32 Weeks

I'm 32 weeks along today!
I figure I should document a little of this pregnancy...
-She moves ALL THE TIME.  I seriously looked up on the internet if a baby can move too much. 
-I went to my Dr. yesterday and am measuring small.  Exactly what happened with Aubree and around the same time frame.  So, I get to go to the specialist and do non-stress tests and ultrasounds a billion times... I hated doing this before!!  And Aubree was fine!  But, I get why I'm doing it.. still hate it though.  And especially since it seems like every doctor appointment is "something is very wrong," and then "just kidding, everything is great."  For the love people are you trying to give me a heart attack?!
-I feel so busy with Aubree that I haven't really noticed my pregnancy.  It's just so similar to my pregnancy with her that I don't really know what to document! 
-My back is feeling so much better now that I've been going to the chiropractor.
-I got all her little clothes washed and organized.  Aubree was freaking out and wanted to wear everything.  I told her if she could squeeze into those 3 month old pants then be my guest.. and she totally got them on! 
-I feel like I have everything pretty much prepared- everything washed and ready.  I just hope I'm prepared to have 2 children!
-Matt said "I don't know how you're going to do it with 2 kids," and then five seconds later said he wanted to have at least 4, and that he is compromising with me because he wants 5 and I want 3.  HA.  I'm going to have 1 1/2 for now and see how that goes. 
-I'm feeling really good still.  I'm always on the go with Aubree and I know that helps! 
-We are so excited to have another little girl in our home.  I'm sort of nervous, and nervous about how Aubree will handle it, but overall we really can't wait!  I'm not nearly as nervous with this one as I was with Aub.  The unkown kills me. 

** Sorry no picture... I did take a couple while I was pregnant with Aubree, so I probably should take some soon.. maybe**

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Potty Chart

The day has come, people.  I thought I would be changing diapers until she was 4, but potty training has been successful!  I seriously prayed for help with this!  We told Aubree that if she got 25 stickers on her chart that we would get her a toy.  She has been doing so great and we are thrilled that we don't have to change diapers now... except for in 2 months when baby comes :) Way to go Aubree Grace!

4th of July!

We had a great 4th!  It was a little sad not doing our traditional things with our families, but we had fun just us 3 and had great family and friends up here that let us tag along with them!  We went to lunch with Matt's cousins, had a BBQ with our Purles cousins, lit fireworks, and ended the night with the Zanders at Thanksgiving Point to watch the big fireworks.  We had a great night and Aubree absolutely loved everything! 

{Aubree loved her "July" skirt from Grammy}

{Our 4th of July "polishes"}

{Playing with cousin Gracie}

{Throwing Pop-Its with Daddy and cousins}

{She loved the sparklers!}

Aubree was so funny at the big fireworks... She talked the entire show!
"Ooh Mom I like that one, let's buy that."
"I want a peach firework."
"I love all those so much!"

Oh what would we do without our Aubree Grace?  Kids make holidays so fun!