Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mommy Style

Becoming a mom can take a toll on your wardrobe.  I am no fashion expert.. ok actually if I had a bajillion dollars I would be, who wouldn't?!  But being on a serious student budget, nursing a baby, and battling with a very serious fear of wasting a really cute outfit on a day in the house (or in high school when you have your favorite outift on and you realize that it's a B day.. which means you just wasted your awesome clothing choice because the boy you like is in your class on A day), can be frustrating. 

Longest sentance ever.  Sorry.

This is simply my opinion, but I think it's important to still feel cute and good about yourself after becoming a mom.  That doesn't mean you have to be someone elses version of pretty or feel like you have to spend hours on yourself.  But we don't have to turn into this....

Unless you want to and mom jeans make you feel pretty.  In that case, own it, girlfriend.  You rock those mom jeans!

I also think it's important not to be judgmental of how other people choose to dress after becoming a mom, or before for that matter.  Even if they want to wear said mom jeans, honestly, who cares?  On the other hand, I was at a playgroup about a year ago and one of the women there told me that she feels that putting on makeup means neglecting your children.  I'm not kidding, that is exactly what she said.  So that made me think, "ok, am I a bad mom because I spend a good 7 minutes putting my makeup on?"  Um, NO.  Either way, to each his own.  Your kids will survive whether you get ready or not.

For me, I knew I wouldn't be happy lounging in my pj's all day.  I put my makeup on, do my hair, and throw on a cute t-shirt and jeans.  T's are my favorite right now because nursing a baby with a flowy or bulky top on is not happening.  My style has become simple and functional, and easy to pull up and down if you know what I mean.

  Loving this shirt

If I'm leaving the house, I put on some boots or my Toms and earings.  Nothing too spectacular, but I feel good and comfortable.  I do have cute, flowy tops that are reserved for special occassions, like grocery shopping.  Just kidding sort of. 

The biggest thing I've learned is to reserve the money I do have for shopping for things I really want.  With Aubree, I bought a lot of really cheap things for myself that ended up not working or were too frilly or bulky.  My favorite stores right now are Shade and Gap.  However, JCrew is calling my name.  Darn you, JCrew with your beautiful, functional, overpriced sweaters.  Anyways, being a mom doesn't mean sacrificing your self image.  You just might have to re-define it! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lately I'm Loving...

-Country music... Hunter Hayes song "Wanted."  LOVE.  It's been years since I've listened to Country, reasons being Matt hates it.  I asked him to take me to Tim and Faith in Vegas this year and here is how our convo went:
Me- Will you pleeeeease take me to see Tim and Faith?!
Matt- Psh, take yourself.
Me- If you will recall Valentines Day 2009 I took you to a Monster Truck race... 
Matt- That's because the stuff I like is awesome so of course we went to that.
So guess who's been blasting Country around the house?  :)

-The Mortal Instraments Series.. still.  The 5th book became available at the library for me the day before I had Olivia.  It was destiny, you guys.  Read it, loved it, couldn't wait for the 6th and final book.. and then heard it is coming out in 2014.  I really couldn't think about it for about a week because I was so upset.  So, to pass the time I've been reading other fallen angel/tormented teenage love novels.  The Hush, Hush series is holding me over.   

-My chevron rings I bought for myself and McCall for our birthdays.  You can find them here.

-The Nike app.  Well, I haven't used it yet (still hasn't been 6 weeks since baby yet, people) but I've done it before once and it kicked my butt.  Promise I'm going to use it.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I've been thinking...

Blogging is hard.. ok it's not hard but the reason I started doing it is for scrapbooking purposes/to use Blurb and blogger doesn't recognize my sign in and won't let me change it.  Still mad... Whatever... Anyways, I used to make fun of blogs- and then, because it's me we are talking about here, I actually learned about what I made fun of and thought "Hm, for making fun of blogging I sure look at a lot of blogs."  So after setting aside my ignorance, I decided to start one and love that I can share a little of my life with my friends and family and be able to have a way to see what they are up to as well through their blogging.  And also find awesome blogs that have so many great tutorials, recipes, product info, fashion advice, great books etc. 

I'm not claiming to be an expert in any area in particular (could you see me taking self-portraits and writing fashion advice or posting my disasters crafts?  Please.), but instead of using my blog as strictly a scrapbook, I'm going to just write what I want, along with posting pics and little updates for my fam and friends.  Nothing too personal.  That's what my journal is for... but as much as I claim to be a private person, I'm so not.  Come up and ask me anything and I will most likely tell you what you want to know about me! I'm just careful when it comes to sharing my personal life with the entire world through the media.  Because I know the world cares about my life of cleaning projectile spit up from the little one and "accidents" from the Aubree Grace on both of my couches.. in the same day.  I digress.  Anyways, cheers to a new blog!