Wednesday, August 17, 2011

All About Aubree

{19 Months Old}

-She says sentances like "I wan some, I wan dat."
-When you ask her what the dog, kitty, horse and duck says she'll do the animal noises.
-She loves giving kisses.. not to us necessarily but to flowers, blankets, socks, cotton balls.. anything soft.
-She points to body parts and can say some of them. She mostly says "No" for nose.

-Grandma Tami got this little singing dog for her and she completely loves it.
-We got settlled into our new duplex and you can tell Aubree feels so much better to be
in our own place again. We had a blast living with my parents for the summer, but it
feels good to be on our own again!
-She thinks she's pretty cool in these sunglasses :)
-I know there a lot more things about her this month, I just can't think of anymore! 
I'll add more when I remember..

Even though the last couple months have been a little hard (major attitude :) she has such a
personality and love of life! She's so darling and the love of our lives!!

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