Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas continued...

After presents and breakfast at my parents, we went over to join the Wiest's. Mike, Ryan and Ricky's families stayed over at Juli's on Christmas and celebrated together. We were so excited to see everyone and also to Skype Juli, Ellie and the Losee's. We FINALLY got to see their new baby, Logan! What a freaking cutie! I love him.
{Cute sisters: Joy, Me, Kels, Nat & Jen and Ellie in spirit}
P.S. Kelsey did my blog background- she is so talented!
{These 2 are three weeks apart: Aubree and Amanda}
{Jack, Angie, Amanda and Reindeer Chuck}

Christmas night, we went back to the Stanley's and had dinner and played some games. Looking at all these pictures makes me extremely grateful that we have such amazing families. We look forward to spending time with all of them and are glad to say that every one of our siblings and parents are our best friends.

{The Stanley Fam}

Merry Christmas

This was the best Christmas to date... Having Aubree with us made it complete! We spent the holiday with my family {we missed Juli and Ellie but are so glad they got to spend Christmas with Mark, Jen and the babies!} We had a yummy Christmas Eve dinner, watched "Christmas Vacation," opened our X-mas PJ's and had a lesson on the Savior. It really hit me this year that I don't refelct on Christ as much as I should during the season, so my new goal for next year is to focus on Him and His birth as the most important aspect of Christmas; that is why we celebrate. It is a wonderful time to be around family, friends and to remember that all of our fun and important blessings come from Christ.
{Christmas Eve}
{Traditional PJ picture on Christmas Morning}
{Grammy and Grandpa}{Playing on Aunt Maddi's new long board from Matt}

We got so many fun things {Aubree mostly got clothes.. I couldn't help it} and had such a fun morning!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Friend Breakfast

Every year around the holidays, my besties try to get together. We all have been and are continuing to go our separate ways, so we thought it would be a great idea to have breakfast on Christmas Eve to see everyone and get updates on all our crazy lives. It's always amazing to me how much we have all changed and have grown up; instead of talking about boys, clothes, boys, what we were going to do that weekend and boys, we now talk about babies, tips on saving money, babies, husbands and babies. I love my friends and are so glad we could all play!!

Some of the Husbands
They were troopers with all the picturesMeliss-Nikelle-Loni-Ash-Linds-Shell-Megan
Us and the babies
Thanks SO MUCH girls for such a fun tradition!


We have a future adrenaline junkie on our hands!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's a Christmas Miracle

Aubree started cralwing on Sunday, December 19th.

We were at my parent's house for dinner and my dad

put her on her hands and knees to see if she would crawl...

And she did! Luckily, they had their video camera so we

were able to film her cralwing for the first time.

I would show you that video but I cried and it's embarrassing.

I've noticed something about Aubree's personality;

she will do what she wants, when she wants and is good and ready.

So, after 11 months, she decided she was in fact, good and ready.

Needless to say, we were freaking out with joy!


*Don't mind Matt's socks with sandles.. it's been an adjustment for

me in our marriage to come to terms with the fact that

he loves socks with sandles*

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Kind of Party

Pajama/White Elephant/Dinner Christmas Party... Yes please.
What a FUN night!
My darling friends, Lexie and Jenny decided it would
be a good idea to have a party and were nice enough to invite us.
We seriously had a blast-- it was so fun to see old friends again that we don't see
hardly ever anymore.
We ate delicious food; soup, breadsticks, salads and desserts.
I probably had seconds... or thirds.

The Jazz were playing so that kept the boys entertained while the
girls talked and continued pounding the dessert.
(it was just me but whatever, it's Christmas.)

After dinner, we played a fun game involving our White Elephant gifts.
I loved seeing what everyone came up with; the roast chicken was my favorite.
We played a couple more games- The Pet Peeve game where you tell everyone your pet peeve about your spouse. Landon and Jenny stole the show on that one; I was crying, I was laughing so hard-
and then Matt and I called it a night.
We get tired at 11:00.. actually we get tired at 9:00 but we
thought we'd suck it up for the night!

THANKS to everyone involved for amazing food
and a great time!!

Temple lights and...

We went to see the Temple lights and Nativity for Family Night.

We were there all of 5 minutes, but it was a great way to

spend our Monday evening.

And then on our way home our awesome neighbors had this on their front lawn...

Wonderful way to come home from the Temple.
I want one, actually.

The Cuteness

Here are some of the latest pictures we have of Aubree.
I don't have my camera on me constantly,
so I just snap random photos when I think about it.
Anyways, here are some things she is in to.. sometimes literally.

She is such a blast to have around.
Like every stage, this one is my favorite :)
I love that she interacts with us and other people.
She is a big time flirt;
She is her father's daughter after all...
She says "Dada" when Matt walks in the door-
I think he almost cried once.
It's pretty adorable.
She will be one in a little over a month and I have
so many different emotions about it!
We love her more than we ever thought possible.
She is our CUTENESS!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I wanted to throw a surprise party for Matt this year. We had the party at Matt's mom's house, even though she wasn't there :( She was up north with Ellie for madrigals and she was nice enough to let us through a party and trash her house - kidding Juli - for Matt's big 2-5. I was freaking out that he would find out somehow, but luckily we pulled it off and he had no idea.. until we pulled up to his mom's and he saw my cousin and her husband at the door haha. We had a blast hanging out with friends and family and are so glad people came out to show their love to Matt. My family, mom especially, helped A LOT. Like pretty much did all the food and everything. They are awesome.

(Surprised faces)

(Wes, Danny... and I'm a jerk but I cannot remember this kids name)

(The babies had a party of their own! Cute Kendyl, Aubree and Aspen)

(Hopefully these guys are texting people about how awesome the party was)

Thanks everyone for coming! And for waiting for the food to cook..

Kiss the Cook..

We took these pictures for my mom to promote her aprons and baby stuff she has been making. She's an amazing sewer (I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong; Did I?.. sower? soer? Whatever.) Anyways, I attempted to make my mother in law an apron and completely butchered it, so my mom pretty much did it all... I ironed a little. So, the woman has talent. And she has cute little models to dress up - don't you want to just kiss her cheeks? What a doll!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving and Wiest Family Christmas

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the feeling of knowing that the holiday season has arrived, the food and the anticipation of Christmas... and the food. We spent Thanksgiving day with my family and had a great time seeing family that we don't get to see very often.
My mom and dad slaved away in the kitchen and helped prepare a wonderful meal- thanks parents!!

My mom has beautiful Xmas decorations up; 3 weeks before Thanksgiving :)

My cousins Caitlin, Daniel and the "black cousins." When my sister, McCall was little, she would ask my mom every year if our "black cousins" were coming to Thanksgiving- haha - to eliminate confusion, their dad is from Pakistan and married my dad's sister. We love that story about my sister b/c she got confused about their ethnicity and couldn't remember their names.. not because it's really innapropriate to call anyone your "black cousins....."

Grandma surprised us this year, inviting Santa to our party- I think the Santa idea was more for Grams than anyone else.... :)

Aubree didn't freak out while Santa held her- she loved his beard.

Saturday, we spent the day with the Wiest's. My mother-in-law and Ellie are going to be in Ohio for the holidays because Miss Jenny is going to have a baby in the next couple weeks (hurray for babies at Christmas haha), so Juli wanted to celebrate Christmas early since we were all in town. We had so much fun opening presents - I got my most favorite thing in the world.. Natural White Cheddar Puff Cheetos. Don't make fun of me, they're freaking amazing. We had more delicious food and had a great time with family.

I think that's what we love most about the holidays.. and Cheetos.