Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Aubree Lately

This girl cracks me up!  She says the funniest things..

-If she gets hurt she says "I got a owie like John Smith!"  We've been watching a lot of Pocahontas lately.
-Everything is always "2 minutes, Mom."  Such as "Watch a show 2 minutes, Play with Emmy 2 minutes.." 
-She tells everyone that she's going to have a "big sister." 
-Whenever Matt gets home from work, she grabs whatever he is holding (keys, water bottle, wallet) and runs up to me and says "Oh look at that Mom, it's so darling!"
-She has done so much better in her big girl bed.  She's come into our bed a couple times in the morning but nothing major. 
-She loves shopping!  She will find dresses in the store and has to try them on.
-Aubree loves reading her books.
-She is all girl.  She loves her dress-ups and princesses. 
-I think she will be a great big sister.  We talk about baby Olivia all the time and talk about how much help Aubree will be.  I hope the transition is ok, but my expectations aren't that high!
-She has done so well in nursery.  Every time we go to pick her up she says "Go away guys!" and tries to shut the door on us!
-She still has a little lisp and it's so cute!

I can't get over how much of a big girl she is and that she won't be our little baby anymore!  We love her so much and can't wait to watch her be a big sister!

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